11 hrs over to London went like a breeze. 3 hour layover that turned to 6 wasn't as great. First was my realization that the Caviar&Prunier House in terminal 5 was closed down, along with my normal second option which is a sports bar tucked at the end. So sad I searched for a new stomping ground and the winner was Gordon Ramsey. This one is upstairs and hidden so no crowds and don't feel skeptical when you want to go to the bathroom and have no one to leave your things to. This happens to me a lot by the way. Yummy salad with pancetta and soft boiled egg. I swear only the British can master a perfectly medium soft egg.
My 2nd round of luck was being able to watch the Mexico - Croatia game where Of course I was the only one jumping up and down and when Mexico scored 3 times! Then when I see my flight is delayed I realize I can now watch the Spain vs Netherlands game. No complaints. As my blood runs 50/50 on this so does my heart. I'd been happy with whom ever won but Spain really took a beating. I did manage to see that beautiful head butt goal in the first half before boarding another 10 hr flight.
Landed, was met by Bill from A&K then off to the Fairlawns Boutique Hotel & Spa in the Sandton suburbs of Johannesburgo
Quick tour of the hotel and jetted off to the spa for some intense steam room action followed by an hr massage. Knots out of the way I decided to go see the shop highly recommended to me called Melville and Sons. Luckily it was only 5 minutes from the hotel. Unluckily, nothing caught my eye for the price and they closed at 2pm! Do they do siesta here too?
Back to the hotel. Champagne and lunch a la terrace while eavesdropping on 2 ladies dishing out their gossip over tea. Wish I had the guts to take a pic of them but think fashionistas in furs, big glasses and combat boots.
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